The feng shui meaning of amethyst?

In the past, many people would wear jewelry. In order to highlight their beauty, now people wear jewelry not only to look good, but also because they want to use some jewelry to transport and ward off evil spirits, so today Let's talk about the feng shui meaning of amethyst together? What's the point? Let's take a look!


Article directory

1. The feng shui meaning of amethyst

2. Amethyst matters needing attention and taboos

3. The meaning of wearing amethyst


The feng shui meaning of amethyst

1. Amethyst is equivalent to a kind of amulet in Feng Shui. It can drive away bad luck, bring good luck, improve spirituality, increase wisdom, stabilize emotions, improve intuition, help thinking, focus, and enhance memory. with more courage and strength. Therefore, for some people who are studying or taking exams, they can wear a piece of amethyst with them. Romantic amethyst will definitely bring good luck to you in your studies.

2. Purple crystal represents romance and sweetness. It is considered to be the guardian stone of love. It can make the relationship between couples deeper and sweeter, and can also make the other party loyal to their love and have a happy and happy marriage. . If a single friend wears amethyst, it can also increase the opposite sex. In Feng Shui, amethyst can help the success of love and career, can be used as a couple's love, and can also bring luck to people, so it can be said that it is a lucky star.

The feng shui meaning of amethyst?

Amethyst matters needing attention and taboos

The reason why natural amethyst should be worn carefully is because natural amethyst is a gem with spiritual energy. Only by paying attention to these points can the spirituality of amethyst be maintained and let her continue to play a role in your hands.

1. Amethyst should be demagnetized

This is one thing that all natural crystals have to do. Natural amethyst is a powerful gemstone. She can help absorb and resist the negative energy around the wearer. After a long time, it will always be full, so It needs to be degaussed and purified regularly, and because amethyst has a memory, if someone with bad luck contacts her and does not degauss in time, it will also affect the owner's fortune.

2. Do not expose to high temperature

Fear of heat is also a common problem of many gemstones. If amethyst is exposed to high temperature for a long time, it will easily cause fading and discoloration. High temperature has a great impact on color, so it is best not to expose amethyst for a long time. In the hot sun, it is best not to use sunlight degaussing

3. Don't wear a bath

The reason why you should not wear it in the bath is because you are afraid that you will damage the amethyst if you don't pay attention when you take a bath. The second is because you will come into contact with chemicals such as makeup remover and shampoo before and after taking a bath. These things have a huge impact on the color of the amethyst. , so it's best not to let amethyst touch these things

4. Don't wear it to sleep

Amethyst has helped to absorb a lot of negative energy during the day, so she needs to rest at night, and because the defense ability of the nerves will decline in the sleep state, if you still wear it to sleep, you are afraid that the amethyst will absorb it. Negative energy will bring bad effects, so it is best not to wear it to sleep, but amethyst can also help sleep, so at this time we can put amethyst under the pillow or beside the pillow, but it is don't wear

5. Amethyst is worn on the left hand

In our country, we always pay attention to left in and right out. The same is true for wearing amethyst. If you wear it on your left hand, you can absorb the pure energy of amethyst very well. This effect is the best, so it is recommended to wear it on the left hand.

The feng shui meaning of amethyst

The meaning of wearing amethyst


1. The energy of amethyst is very high, its energy is relative to the eyebrow chakra in the seven-chakra system. So, amethyst can not only develop wisdom, help thinking, concentrate, increase memory, but also increase the vitality of brain cells and the operation of the brain.

2. Amethyst is also a social stone, but the social relationship here refers not to the popularity brought by pink crystal, but to the attraction of a restrained heart. Often wearing it will help you meet noble people and increase your wit , to improve intuition and subconsciousness.

3. Wearing more amethyst jewelry can eliminate domineering, bring extravagance, strengthen tolerance and tolerance, it is the crystal that is most conducive to leadership and control, and it can also convince subordinates to work hard for you, with Chinese feng shui. Because of the meaning of being rich.

4. Amethyst is the birthstone of February, which has the functions of warding off evil spirits, protecting the body and keeping peace. Wearing amethyst bracelet can drive away bad luck and enhance personal luck, and it is a good amulet.

5. Wearing an amethyst bracelet can defuse your domineering, improve your tolerance and endurance, make your leaders and subordinates trust you more, and make you feel like a duck to water at work, so that your career is prosperous.

The feng shui meaning of amethyst?

Taboo on the placement of amethyst ornaments

1. The energy of amethyst is very high, its energy is relative to the eyebrow chakra in the seven-chakra system. So, amethyst can not only develop wisdom, help thinking, concentrate, increase memory, but also increase the vitality of brain cells and the operation of the brain.

2. Amethyst is also a social stone, but the social relationship here refers not to the popularity brought by pink crystal, but to the attraction of a restrained heart. Often wearing it will help you meet noble people and increase your wit , to improve intuition and subconsciousness.

3. Wearing more amethyst jewelry can eliminate domineering, bring extravagance, strengthen tolerance and tolerance, it is the crystal that is most conducive to leadership and control, and it can also convince subordinates to work hard for you, with Chinese feng shui. Because of the meaning of being rich.

4. Amethyst is the birthstone of February, which has the functions of warding off evil spirits, protecting the body and keeping peace. Wearing amethyst bracelet can drive away bad luck and enhance personal luck, and it is a good amulet.

5. Wearing an amethyst bracelet can defuse your domineering, improve your tolerance and endurance, make your leaders and subordinates trust you more, and make you feel like a duck to water at work, so that your career is prosperous.


The best location for Amethyst Cave

The feng shui meaning of amethyst?

1. Financial position
Placing the amethyst cave in the d-position and financial position of some large-scale business premises can strengthen interpersonal relationships, live in harmony, increase passenger flow, stimulate customer consumption, and thus increase the company's sales. Once the Amethyst Cave is placed in the correct position, it can continuously gather wealth, accumulate wealth, and play its role.

2. Home office
As the feng shui stone of the home office, the internal energy of the amethyst cave vibrates with each other, which can play the role of accumulating qi, accumulating wealth, warding off evil spirits, and exorcising evil spirits. Place an amethyst cave at home or on the desk, which can be matched with crystal clusters to emit up and down, left and right. Positive energy, dispel negative energy. The combination of holes and clusters can get the best magnetic field, which is the best combination for town house and Feng Shui improvement.

3. Wenchang
For the students who are studying, the Amethyst Cave also has a certain effect. Placing an Amethyst Cave in the house can improve the child's intelligence and make the most correct judgment and thinking. If it is placed in the Wenchang position, it is not only conducive to the child's academic examination, but also to the career advancement of the family. Therefore, it is deeply loved by many parents and fulfills their desire to have their children become dragons and their daughters to become phoenixes.




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